jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Paris – A century Ago

Paris – A century Ago:
With these modern technologies we today posses, we advance rapidly, so rapidly that we don’t think of times that passed, we don’t have time to turn back and see our world as it was a century ago. So, if you have just about 5 minutes to devote to this article, and if you live in Paris, you’ll be especially gladden. Here’s Paris from around 1900′s, about a century ago. Imagine what our grandchildren will have for another century? Some things labeled as science fiction in our days, could be usual things of their time.
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago
Paris   A century Ago

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